European regulation regarding Personal Protective Equipment

15 February 2016

The European regulation regarding Personal Protective Equipment is going to be changed. The current PPE Directive 89/686/EEC, dating from 1989, will expire and will be replaced by a new European regulation about PPE. On the 20th of January 2016 the European Parliament has positively responded on the proposal of the European Commission in regards to the new legislation. Currently we are waiting on the publication in the official journal.


The main advantage of this new PPE regulation is that it applies directly for all members states of the European Union, whereas the old PPE Directive had to be adopted into the local regulations of each country. This resulted in sometimes different interpretations in each member state about how to read and/or implement the content of the PPE Directive.

The 4th week of 2016 Intersafe attended the European conference regarding the new PPE regulation in Finland. The new PPE regulation was deeply discussed on its content but also on the consequences it might have for all stakeholders.
Next to representatives from the European Commission, a lot of other stakeholders were present during this conference like the European Safety Federation, notified bodies, manufacturers, market surveillance authorities and a divers mix of Non Governmental Organizations from 19 different European states.

The coming month it will become more clear what the impact of the new PPE regulation will be for all stakeholders. To be in the front row seat, Intersafe is participating in several European workgroups regarding the implementation of the new PPE regulation. This helps us as Intersafe to fully understand the impact when implementing the new PPE regulation in our and your daily job.
There for we will regularly keep you updated regarding new developments.

Interested? Please read the preliminary publication of the PPE Regulation.

More information

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