Cooperation Intersafe and SNCF improves Safety Awareness
SNCF France welcomed the Intersafe Group Executive Team, to share approaches of applying PPE to improve Safety awareness. SNCF is one of the key european railway transportation companies with 120,000 employees. The SNCF maintenance division for railways and trains has more than 50,000 employees working in 54 technicenters spread over France of which 8 are based in Paris. The Intersafe Executive Team visited the Technicentre Le Landy, being the second largest national maintenance centre of the TGV, to discuss the local best practices enhancing the local safety awareness and discuss about the comfort of not only trains but also of PPE.
SNCF National Prevention Specialist Mr. Lionel Delport together with the Safety Coordinator Arien Loumeau and Communication Responsible Karine Jeanne from the Le Landy site, presented the 3 sites area’s with each having different conditions and specific PPE needs. Train maintenance has five stages where at the first level the trains are cleaned and checked, at the second level a more periodic basic examination is done, at the third level the chassis of the train is maintained and at the fourth and fifth level the wheels and the transformers are checked and maintained.
As a results of strong collaboration at all the levels in the respective organisations, Intersafe and SNCF work very closely together to develop dedicated tools to support SNCF in enhancing the Safety Policy deployment of individuals at work floor level.
Daily kick off ‘Safety at Work’
SNCF employees start every morning with a 5 minute kick off to discuss the daily risks and prevention. For this daily kick off Intersafe supported SNCF in creating an exclusive PPE folder including SNCF technical specs with wearing and usage instruction. Most instructions are about risks of falling and carrying.
Wearing comfort
Yves Pétin, CEO of Intersafe, discussed with a SNCF employee about the comfort of different helmets. Next to safety, the employee also reported that comfort was key to him in avoiding a red stripe at his forehead. Yves Pétin tries the different helmets to be able to forward this message to his team and the manufacturer.
PPE issue with vending machines
The distribution of PPE within a site is currently a challenge. Employees work in 24-hour shifts so the central dispatch counter is not always open. To solve this issue, Intersafe and SNCF currently implemented a pilot with vending machines.
Do you want to discuss with Intersafe’s Executive Team?
By having an open discussion about PPE and Safety Awareness on a daily basis, SNCF and Intersafe increase the Safety culture among all employees and develop innovative solutions to optimize the safety and welfare of their employees at work.
Are you interested in discussing safety and welfare at work of your employees?
Please invite the Intersafe Executive Team at your site and contact us.