Service points

Find a service point near you

Service points

We use the service network of, among others, Eye Wish and Pearle to measure and deliver safety spectacles with correction and computer glasses. This network includes approximately 100 Eye Wish shops that are converted to Pearle Studio in 2022.
For the measurement of customized hearing protection you can use the recently opened Elacin shop or the service network of Van Boxtel hearing shops in the Netherlands.
Furthermore Intersafe provides you access to the service network of Livit for the measurement and delivery of specific orthopaedic adjustments, such as support soles in safety shoes.
Please find the overview of all the service points for eye protection, hearing protection and/or orthopedic adjustments in the search function below.

Make an appointment

In order to provide you a good and safe service, it is important to make an appointment before visiting the optician, audiologist and/or orthopaedic shoe technician.

In case you make an appointment with Elacin

For an appointment in the Elacin shop - Goudesingel 224 in Rotterdam - or a personal appointment with an Elacin Sales Engineer at your location, please contact Elacin Customer Service at +31 (0)88 20 80 600.

If you can’t find a suitable service point

If you do not find a suitable service point or if you would like to get some support on eye protection, hearing protection or orthopaedic adjustments, you can contact us by telephone via +31 (0)78 618 14 00.